Our Mission
At The Rickard Group, we believe in leaving the internet in a better state than when we began,
we believe in a free and accessible internet, one that considers the difference in humans and the requirement to tailor to the individual; We strive with each of our projects to further ourselves to reach this objective.
The Rickard Group, was founded in 2016, operated at the time, under the name "Rickard Media Group", it was during this time, the first two web ventures by The Rickard Group were seen to fruition, these being URLon (Corperate Link Shortening) and IMGon (Image Hosting). Since 2016, The Rickard Group has been highly active in the creation and deployment of Web ventures, some of the more notable being the founding of ABadGameStudios, ShortRabbit, Browse, LimeCraft and The FY Bot.
We Do
We specialise in taking high-quality ideas and product concepts and launching them into the stratosphere. The Rickard Group manages design, production and long term application shipping and maintenance.
Who is
The Rickard Group
We are comprised of several talented designers, engineers and programmers who work to ensure everything produced is of the highest possible quality. We believe that well made products should be made to last. Web Ventures are no exception to this, The Rickard Group builds long-term, sustainable solutions.